Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Apple a Day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a very old saying and now we are finding out that it may be true.  There was a very interesting article in the March 6th edition of The Sunday New York Times Magazine.  It is called "Death Takes a Rain Check". It is about an 87 year old billionaire's quest to live until he is 125.  David Murdock, a self made billionaire, "saw the light" about twenty five years ago when his wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1983.  While he was seeking treatments that might save her life he started to research what the  impact of diet/food choices might have in surviving debilitating illnesses.  In the years since his wife's death, Murdock has set up a research facility and one of the projects is to study the extent to which quercetin, found in the skins of apples, can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Here is a very  easy way to get your apple a day and use up all the fruit you have in your refrigerator that is past it's prime.

Into a large 6 quart pot add:
4 apples cored and cut into eighths (use any apple you prefer)
2  ripe pears cored and cut into eighths
1-2 cups of raisins
2 TB honey
8 cups of water (enough water to cover the fruit)
You can also add any other fruit that you choose such as red grapes or strawberries.
Cover, bring to a boil and simmer for 45 minutes to an hour.  Once it has cooled transfer to storage containers and refrigerate. 

Yields about 12 servings at 100 to 150 calories per serving (depending on how many raisins you add).

Saturday, March 5, 2011

There's Gold in ThemThar Hills

Not sure how many of you saw this article in last Sunday's NY Times, but apparently the 21st Century  "Gold Rush" is in Blogs.  Heather Armstrong, the "Queen of the Mommy Bloggers", makes $30,000 to $50,000 a month on her blog and highly successful bloggers can gross $1 million according to the article.

That is really good money, but considering that I sometimes have problems navigating the NY Times Web site I don't think I will be one of the the high rollers in blogs.  Even though I am internet savvy,  I must admit I do get tangled up in web searches.

For example, I clicked on the article because I wanted to see the reader comments.  It took three tries before I found them.  Now I ask you, is it me or is the NY Times web site poorly designed?  Why are the comments on a separate web page, not right after the article?  Also, if I want to include a web link in this blog, I can't just copy and paste it into my blog.  I must first put the link into a Facebook private group I created and then copy and paste the link from Facebook to this blog.  Convoluted right?

Anyway, not to digress, after I read the article, I decided to go to my blog (which I admit is not as flashy as other blogs especially not as glitzy as and register for Google Ads to see how much money I can make.  Well since last week, I had 8 hits and made $0 dollars!  Great start. So my dear readers, enjoy the article and if you can figure out how to make $ from blogs, please feel free to add your comments on my blog.